Name: Blücher class
Type: Battlecruiser
Affiliation: ImperialAndermaniNavySign Imperial Andermani Navy
Preceded By: Thor class

The Blücher-class was a class of pod-laying battlecruisers used by the Imperial Andermani Navy.[1]

Class Design[]

The class was conceptually similar to, but independent from, the Grayson Space Navy's Raoul Courvosier-II-class and the Royal Manticoran Navy's Agamemnon-class. (HH11)

It proved to be not quite as capable as the Manticoran ships, but was still used as a military counterweight in the disputed Silesian Confederacy.

Known Ships[]


  1. The name of this class is likely a reference Field Marshal Blucher and to the many German Navy ships of the same name.

Andermani Starship Classes
Adler | Blücher | Bremen | Dolch | Drachen | Emden | Mendelssohn | Musketier | Nachtschatten | Seydlitz (BC) | Seydlitz (SD) | Spica | Thor | Verfechter | Vogel